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Missouri Department of Transportation & Missouri State Highway Patrol Employees’ Retirement System


An eleven member Board of Trustees is responsible for the oversight of MPERS.  The Trustees serve as fiduciaries to the members and establish sound policies and objectives, monitor operations, and oversee performance with the assistance of MPERS staff and consultants.

Chapter 104.160 RSMo provides for the composition of the MPERS Board of Trustees.  The Board of Trustees is comprised of:

  • three members of the state highways and transportation commission elected by the members of the commission,
  • the superintendent of the highway patrol
  • the director of the department of transportation
  • a state senator appointed by the president pro tem of the Senate
  • a state representative appointed by the speaker of the House
  • an active transportation department employee elected by the active transportation department members to serve a four-year term
  • an active highway patrol department employee elected by the active highway patrol department members to serve a four-year term
  • a retired transportation department employee elected by the retired transportation department members to serve a four-year term
  • a retired highway patrol department employee elected by the retired highway patrol department members to serve a four-year term