MPERS Tools & Calculators
This page is intended to provide you with the tools you need to prepare for and enjoy your retirement. We hope you find these tools and calculators helpful and informative.
Gross-to-Net Benefit Calculator
This tool can be found in your myMPERS Secure Member Access and is provided for your convenience only and should not be construed as tax advice. Its sole purpose is to help you estimate the net amount of your MPERS benefit payment using different tax withholding options and premium deductions. Your annual tax obligation depends on your total income from all sources. For accurate tax advice, please contact a tax professional.

Tax Withholding Tables and Changes
To view the actual IRS Tax Withholding Tables, please click on the link below.
Tax Withholding Information
If you would like to make changes to your federal or state tax withholding, you can do so in your myMPERS Secure Member Access.

MPERS Benefits Dictionary
A helpful document defining commonly used terms when discussing MPERS benefits.
myMPERS Secure Member Access
This is your link to personalized benefit information.
myMPERS Secure Member Access is a secure portal that allows you to view your individual benefit information, as well as the ability to run retirement benefit estimates and register for seminars.
Personal Benefit Statement
Every spring, MPERS collaborates with various benefit providers to produce your personal benefit Statement. This statement breaks down the benefits you currently receive as an active state employee, as well as provides you with estimates of your future benefits. After retirement, a similar benefit statement is provided annually, in the month you receive your COLA, providing detailed information about your benefits, beneficiaries, and deductions.
This link is a sample only! You can view your benefit statements, with your specific information on myMPERS Secure Member Access. Please review the information contained in your personalize annual benefit statement. If you see incorrect information or have questions regarding that benefit, please contact the appropriate benefit provider as soon as possible.
Record of Important Documents
The Record of Important Documents is intended to provide one place to list all of your important documentation, such as insurance policies, birth or marriage certificates, sources of income (including the providers contact information) and where each of these documents are stored, should the need arise for you, or your loved ones, to locate them.

Retirement Benefit Estimate
This link is a sample only! Login to myMPERS Secure Member Access to run personalized benefit estimates 24/7. For active employees, the estimates assume you will continue working in the same position, at the same rate of pay, until the date of termination shown on the estimate. All information contained in your benefit estimate must be verified by MPERS before a benefit can be paid.
Social Security Administration
This link takes you to the SSA’s Plan for retirement page. Once you sign in, you will have access to a retirement estimator, benefit calculators, retirement toolkit and more.
Mo Deferred Comp
This link will direct you to Mo Deferred Comp’s website. This site contains several calculators & tools, including “RetiremenTrack” and Retirement & Paycheck Calculators to name a few.