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Missouri Department of Transportation & Missouri State Highway Patrol Employees’ Retirement System

Reporting Suspected Fraud, Waste or Abuse Form

Please provide as much detail as possible when describing the fraud, waste or abuse. Details regarding the allegation may include answers to the following questions:

  • Who committed the fraud, waste or abuse?
  • What exactly did they do?
  • When did it happen?
  • Where did the incident take place?
  • How was the act committed?
  • Who else has knowledge of the potential fraud, waste or abuse?
  • The more useful information you can provide, the better chance there is of investigating the fraud, waste or abuse. Without sufficient identifying information, it may be difficult for us to act on your concerns.

Fraud Reporting Form

Please fill in as much information as you feel comfortable providing.  If you want to remain anonymous, simply tell us about your concern and leave the rest of the information blank.  The system is programmed to ensure you remain anonymous when submitting your report.