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Missouri Department of Transportation & Missouri State Highway Patrol Employees’ Retirement System

Reporting Suspected Fraud, Waste or Abuse

The Fraud Reporting Form is available online so that you may report any suspicions of fraud, waste, or abuse within or related to MPERS. Please use this form if you would like to make us aware of any of the situations noted below:

  •  Any dishonest or fraudulent act that impacts MPERS
  •  Any elder abuse (physical or financial) of one of our retirees
  •  Misappropriation of funds, securities, supplies, or other assets
  •  Vendors who may be defrauding MPERS
  •  Disclosure of confidential and proprietary information to outside parties
  •  Forgery, alteration or falsification of records
  •  An MPERS employee who is abusing the relationship with a vendor or MPERS itself (e.g., conflict of interest, bribery or insider trading)
  •  Improper handling or reporting of money or financial transactions

All information received will be electronically directed to the MPERS executive management and will be investigated. We encourage you to report information in good faith and to refrain from making false accusations as we will take all reports seriously.

Note: This form is not for notifying MPERS about general questions or comments regarding retirement. It should be used solely for reporting suspected fraud, waste, or abuse. Should you have general comments or questions, please email us at mpers@mpers.org.