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Missouri Department of Transportation & Missouri State Highway Patrol Employees’ Retirement System


We offer multiple publications to keep you informed of your benefits and the retirement system in general. From subject matter brochures to comprehensive handbooks describing your retirement and disability benefits, there is a wealth of information available online or by contacting one of our benefit specialists.

If you cannot find what you are looking for, please give us a call at (800) 270-1271.


Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
As a component unit of the State of Missouri, MPERS is required to annually produce a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). This report is intended to provide our stakeholders with a thorough review of the System’s operations for the past fiscal year.

Popular Annual Financial Report
This report serves as a summary of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.

Actuarial Reports
MPERS’ current and previous valuation reports and experience studies.

Audit Reports
MPERS is required annually to have our records reviewed by an outside auditor. This section includes the results of the last five audit reports.

Questions? We have the answers! We have over 15 brochures dedicated to specific topics such as backDROP, divorce, military service, and understanding your retirement benefits. 

Retirement and disability benefits can be complicated. Therefore, we have created our retirement and disability handbooks to provide you with one location to find the answers you may be searching for.   

An important goal for us is to keep the lines of communication open with our members regarding changes or updates that may occur.  The newsletter is one way we are striving to reach our communication goals.