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Missouri Department of Transportation & Missouri State Highway Patrol Employees’ Retirement System

New Members

At MPERS we believe that planning in advance is essential to achieve a financially secure and enjoyable retirement.  We encourage our members to understand the advantages of their membership and the benefits they may receive. 

Benefit Basics Seminar
Learn more about MPERS and your retirement benefits! Benefit counselors are more than happy to visit work locations for a Benefit Basics presentation. Ask your HR representative to organize a group presentation of no less than 15 attendees.

myMPERS Secure Member Access
Members can access their retirement eligibility date, estimate a benefit, view annual benefit statements, register for Pre-Retirement Seminars, complete forms, and much more!


Retirement Terms 101
Retirement terminology can be a little confusing. This video covers basic terminology that may be used when discussing future MPERS retirement benefit.

Which Plan Am I In?
MPERS offers three retirement plans: the Closed Plan, the Year 2000 Plan, and the 2011 Tier. The member’s hire date determines which plan they are a part of. This section offers more information on the plans including webinars and plan handbooks.