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Missouri Department of Transportation & Missouri State Highway Patrol Employees’ Retirement System

Video Counseling

Audience: Any member, any time during career

Appointment: Call 800-270-1271 to schedule a video counseling session with a benefit specialist. Benefit specialists are available Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

For the convenience of members outside the Jefferson City area, we offer video counseling sessions. This new method of communication is made available through our partnership with MoDOT and is available to employees of MoDOT and the Highway Patrol. Anyone can use the video counseling communication tool; however, there are some basic requirements listed below that are needed:

A computer, tablet, or smartphone with high-speed internet, speakers, microphone, and video camera
Google Chrome or Firefox web browser
Join video conferencing session here

Should you wish to use video counseling for a retirement counseling session, simply schedule a session with one of our benefit specialists by calling 1-800-270-1271.

Before you submit a Retirement Election Form (step 2 of the 2-step retirement process), we encourage you to schedule a retirement interview (in person, on the phone, or on video) with an MPERS benefit specialist. Your spouse or a friend may also attend this interview. All information shared with the benefit specialist during this interview is confidential and used only for retirement purposes.

As part of this interview, the benefit specialist will explain the alternatives available to you, provide information about when you will receive your retirement benefit and answer any other questions you may have.

These video counseling session can also be used to discuss service credit, service purchases, leaving state employment, etc. Basically, anything you would normally talk about in person or over the phone can be done by a video counseling session.