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Missouri Department of Transportation & Missouri State Highway Patrol Employees’ Retirement System

Benefit Basics Seminar

Audience: Any Active member of MPERS

Registration: Contact your HR representative to organize a group meeting.

Helping members achieve their retirement goals is important. MPERS wants you to understand your benefits and make plans for your financial future. The purpose of this workshop is to provide members a better understanding of their retirement benefits in “the early years.” During this 45-60 minute presentation, you will learn the basics about your MPERS benefits.

♦ What are my MPERS benefits?
♦ What benefits are available right now?
♦ What type of retirement plan do I have?
♦ Who pays for my retirement and how much is it worth?
♦ What happens if I’m laid off or change jobs?
♦ What happens to my benefit if I leave state employment before retirement?
♦ What could happen to my retirement benefit if I divorce?
♦ What happens to my benefit if death occurs before retirement?
♦ What happens if I become disabled?

Get answers to these frequently asked questions and any other questions you may have heard about your MPERS benefits. Contact your Human Resource office to schedule a group presentation in your area.