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Missouri Department of Transportation & Missouri State Highway Patrol Employees’ Retirement System


This is a checklist of items that may need to be provided at the time of retirement and decisions that will need to be made when signing up for retirement. There are also items that will need to be addressed prior to retirement, but not with MPERS. This checklist should be used for reference purposes only. It may not include all the items that your department requires.


The Notification of Retirement is due at MPERS by the deadline indicated on the 2-Step Retirement Process chart.

  • You must submit an acceptable copy of proof-of-age/lawful presence document for yourself and your spouse (if married), along with your Notification of Retirement. We will accept a copy of one of the following documents:
    • Valid Missouri Driver’s License
    • Passport
    • Certificate of Citizenship
    • Certificate of Birth Abroad
    • US Birth Certificate (certified original)
  • You will need a legible copy of your marriage certificate (if applicable).
  • You will need to furnish your spouse’s social security number (if applicable).
  • The Application for Retirement is due at MPERS by the deadline indicated on the 2-Step Retirement Process chart.
  • If you are a Closed Plan member, you must advise MPERS which plan you are electing (Closed or Year 2000).
  • You must elect a benefit payment option.
  • You will need a voided check for us to set up a direct deposit.
  • If you are eligible for the $5,000 death benefit, you will need to have names, addresses, and social security numbers for your primary and contingent beneficiaries.
  • Retirement benefits are subject to federal and state taxes. You will be provided a Substitute W4-P tax withholding form for your federal and Missouri State tax withholding. If you do not submit a tax withholding form, MPERS is required to withhold federal taxes as if you elected married with 3 deductions.
  • If you are eligible for BackDROP and elect rollover to receive the distribution, please take the BackDROP Distribution Form to your financial institution/investment firm and have them complete the form and return it to MPERS.

Net Benefit Calculator

Deductions From Your MPERS Benefit

Medical Insurance Plan premiums: Please contact your insurance representative for an appointment to set up your insurances for retirement and discuss annual leave and comp-time payouts.
Contact: MoDOT (877) 863-9406
Contact: Patrol (573) 526-6136 or (573) 526-6356
Website: http://www.modot.org/newsandinfo/benefits.htm

Optional Life Insurance premiums: Please contact your insurance representative for an appointment to set up your insurances for retirement.
Contact: MoDOT (877) 863-9406
Contact: Patrol (573) 526-6136 or (573) 526-6356
Website: www.modot.org/newsandinfo/benefits.htm

NOTE: The premiums for the following non-state sponsored benefits are not eligible for deduction from your monthly benefit payment.

  • (MoDOT) Voluntary Life Plan
  • (MSHP) Met-Life/BMA Life Insurance
  • (MoDOT) Central United Life Insurance (cancer insurance)
  • (MSHP) CONSECO Life Insurance (cancer insurance)

Other Administrators to Contact Before You Retire (if applicable)

Deferred Compensation Plan: If you want your payroll deduction amount changed on your terminal leave paycheck (payout for your annual leave and comp time), please contact MO Deferred Comp directly.
Phone: (800) 392-0925
Website: http://www.modeferredcomp.org/

Social Security: Contact your local Social Security Office at least 90 days prior to the date you want to begin receiving benefits.  You do not have to start receiving social security benefits at the same time you retire from MPERS.
Phone: (800) 772-1313
Website: ssa.gov

Medicare Enrollment: Part A coverage is automatic at the time you reach age 65. If you plan to retire at age 65, enroll in Part B in advance of retirement. If you work past age 65, you should enroll in Part B prior to retirement so coverage will be in place at the time of your retirement.

Universal Life Insurance: If you are enrolled in the Trustmark Insurance Company (universal life insurance) and want to cancel, please notify the respective company and request cancellation. If you plan to continue coverage, you will need to contact them and set up a payment plan. Payroll deduction through MPERS is not available for this insurance.
Phone: (800) 918-8877

Cafeteria Plan: If you participate in the Cafeteria Plan prior to retirement, you may also be eligible to pre-pay your medical insurance premiums through the Cafeteria Plan in the year that you retire. Your insurance representative can discuss this with you.
Phone: (573) 442-3035 or (800) 659-3035
Website: http://www.mocafe.com/

Highway Credit Union: If you have a credit union deduction as an active employee, you will need to advise the credit union you are retiring and work with them to determine the best way to continue funding your credit union account.