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Missouri Department of Transportation & Missouri State Highway Patrol Employees’ Retirement System

Which Plan Am I In?

The date on which you were first hired in a benefit-eligible position will determine your membership in the Closed Plan, Year 2000 Plan or 2011 Tier.


Closed Plan

Were you hired before July 1, 2000, and remained continuously employed until you were vested?  If the answer is yes, you are a member of the Closed Plan.

Closed Plan members have the option of retiring under the Closed Plan or the Year 2000 Plan.  For more information on the Closed Plan, take a look at the Closed Plan Handbook, view one of the Closed Plan webinars, or glance at one of our Closed Plan infographics which gives you a brief summary of the plan you are in.  

Closed Plan Handbook 
Uniformed, Civilian, MoDOT

Closed Plan Infographic
Civilian MSHP & MoDOT

Closed Plan
Uniformed Members

Benefit Basics Part 1

Benefit Basics Part 2-The Closed Plan

Benefit Basics Part 3

Year 2000 Plan

If you were hired on or after July 1, 2000, but before January 1, 2011, you are a member of the Year 2000 Plan.  Additionally, if you were hired prior to July 1, 2000, but left employment before becoming vested, you are a member of the Year 2000 Plan. 

Year 2000 Plan Handbook 
Uniformed, Civilian, MoDOT

Year 2000 Plan Infographic
Civilian MSHP & MoDOT

Year 2000 Plan Infographic
Uniformed Members

Benefit Basics Part 1

Benefit Basics Part 2-The Year 2000 Plan

Benefit Basics Part 3

2011 Tier

If you were hired for the first time on or after January 1, 2011, you are a member of the 2011 Tier. 

2011 Tier Handbook 
Uniformed, Civilian, MoDOT

2011 Tier Infographic
Civilian MSHP & MoDOT

2011 Tier Infographic
Uniformed Members

Benefit Basics Part 1

Benefit Basics Part 2-The 2011 Tier

Benefit Basics Part 3