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Missouri Department of Transportation & Missouri State Highway Patrol Employees’ Retirement System

Workplace Possibilities

Employees are one of our most valued assets – they are vital to the success of our organization.  Because of this, it is crucial that they be given the resources they need to perform their jobs with the utmost possible health, productivity and comfort.  To achieve this goal, MPERS has partnered with our disability insurer, Standard Insurance Company, to provide assistance to members who have a medical condition that could lead to a disability.  This service is called the Workplace Possibilities Program.


Additional Information

The program provides a Workplace Possibilities Program Coordinator who determines if members meet the criteria for eligibility.  The Coordinator will then ask a Workplace Possibilities Consultant, a professional case manager, to offer direct services to help employees who may be in pain, taking sick leave or having difficulties at work that could be related to a disability.  The key objectives of the program are to:

  • Remove barriers to employees’ comfort, safety and ability to perform their job effectively;
  • Assess work stations and implement accommodations to ensure employees can perform their jobs productively and safely;
  • Promote open communication to ensure a focus on work ability among all parties, including the employee, supervisor, human resources, medical providers and others.

While we are encouraging the employee’s participation, this service is completely voluntary.  The employee is responsible for providing medical documentation required by the program.  The Coordinator and Consultant will be able to obtain clarification regarding medical information if the member has signed an Authorization to Obtain and Release Information.  The Coordinator and Consultant will not share confidential information with the supervisor or other staff, e.g. details related to a medical diagnosis or treatment.  They will only share information about work capacity, accommodations and return to work dates.

How to Apply

In order to be eligible for the program, the member must be receiving care from a physician for their condition, as well as not yet be eligible for normal retirement.  To apply, the following forms are needed from the member, the member’s physician, and the member’s employer (completed forms can be faxed to The Standard at 971-321-5727 or mailed to the address listed at the top of the form):

Member: Authorization to Obtain and Release Health Information (for employee to complete)
Physician: Stay at Work Medical Information Request (for physician to complete)
Employer: Workplace Possibilities Stay at Work Referral (Contract No. LTD 643110; Group No. 10104681)

Standard Insurance Company

For even more information about the program, including access to the Workplace Possibilities Blog, and Virtual Tour, please visit Workplace Possibilities.