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Missouri Department of Transportation & Missouri State Highway Patrol Employees’ Retirement System


The employer portion of MPERS website provides valuable information, forms, and training for human resource representatives and/or benefit personnel. This includes access to handbooks, brochures, newsletters, forms, procedure manuals and other relevant information. As our website evolves look for more useful information available here at the tip of your fingers. If you have any suggestions for our website, as an employer or otherwise, please email us at mpers@mpers.org.

The HR Connection

The HR Connection is a monthly newsletter intended for payroll, benefits & human resources staff of MoDOT & the Highway Patrol. It provides legislative and policy updates pertaining to MPERS as well as serving as a forum to address any questions or confusion pertaining to our daily work. Please email Angel.Backes@mpers.org if you have any questions about The HR Connection, or if you have a topic you would like addressed in a future edition.

HR Reference Manual (updated manual coming soon)

This manual is intended for MoDOT & Highway Patrol personnel that assist members with retirement & disability related benefits.

Total Compensation Tool

Employers view prospective employees as investments and how they are compensated will allow for a good return on investment. Employee compensation includes not only salary, but a complete benefits package. The total compensation tool is designed to show current and prospective employees the value of the investment their employer is making in their future.

As you may know, there are several costs associated with each employee that they may be unaware of, therefore, they may not be able to make a truly informed choice when considering their career options. This tool will show not only the salary, but also employer contributions toward the employee’s medical insurance, retirement benefit, social security, disability benefits, life insurance and leave time. It will then provide them with a visual of the total benefit package offered to them.

Employer Retirement Benefit Tool
Workplace Possibilities

Workplace Possibilities is a program offered through the Standard Insurance Company to members who have a medical condition that could lead to disability but providing the member with specialized equipment or modifications to their work environment.


Below are a listing of forms that pertain to you, as the employer, only.  For a full listing of forms available, click on “Forms” above or on the sidebar.

Membership Record

Designation of Beneficiary for Employee Contributions (2011 Tier only)

Leave of Absence

Termination of Employment


MPERS offers multiple publications to keep you informed of your benefits and the retirement system in general. From subject matter brochures to comprehensive handbooks describing your retirement and disability benefits, there is a wealth of information available online or by contacting one of our benefit specialists.