(573) 298-6080

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Missouri Department of Transportation & Missouri State Highway Patrol Employees’ Retirement System


Terms and Conditions – Same as Legal Disclaimer

MPERS established this website to provide members with general information about their benefits.

All information provided on this website, and any benefit estimates or other financial or tax calculations produced through this website, are not binding on MPERS, its Board of Trustees, or the State of Missouri. Furthermore, such information does not constitute a guarantee of benefits, an admission of liability or a waiver of any legal rights or arguments in any pending or future legal proceeding. All estimates, calculations, and the information they are based on are subject to final verification for accuracy by MPERS prior to the payment of benefits.

Access to personal information is intended to be secure. However, there are risks inherent in providing personal information through any website. MPERS has made reasonable efforts to minimize these risks and will not be responsible for unauthorized access to personal information or any damages arising from such unauthorized access.

If there is a conflict between information on this website and applicable law or administrative rules, the law and administrative rules will prevail.

If you wish to receive a written estimate of your projected retirement benefits from MPERS, or if you have any questions regarding information contained in the website, please call us at (573) 298-6080 or (800) 270-1271.