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Missouri Department of Transportation & Missouri State Highway Patrol Employees’ Retirement System

MPERS issues Requests for Proposals (RFPs) to allow various companies and organizations to work with MPERS on projects, studies, and other initiatives.

Request for Proposal – Construction Services
If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please contact Katy Lacy at mpers@mpers.org to receive the attachments mentioned in the RFP.

Updated 1/17/2025

Questions submitted regarding the Construction Services RFP:

  1. Is MPERS tax-exempt?
    a. Yes

  2. What time are bids due on 2/14/2025?
    a. By 11:59 p.m.

  3. For the 813 West Stadium bldg., are doors type D actually hollow metal or Aluminum?
    a. The note next to the elevation for type D doors on sheet A-8 appears to be more in line with Aluminum Storefront systems. There is no certification available for “site built” HM as they are never Site Built. The door is aluminum.

  4. Can both projects be worked on simultaneously?
    a. Yes, they can. However, our preference would be to have 813 available to us first, so if it’s possible to provide a timeline and cost difference for doing the projects simultaneously vs. prioritizing 813, we would be interested in seeing that.

  5. Do you want the response to include the start date, duration, and cost of the project?
    a. Yes

  6. Do you plan to have a public bid reading?
    a. No

  7. Do you plan to share bid tabulation sheets?
    a. As of now, we do not plan to share tabulation sheets.

  8. Is insurance required?
    a. Yes, requirements are included in the construction documents in the “General Notes” section.